Receive Log Analysis Training with Qualcomm Technologies

Qualcomm products mentioned within this post are offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

Engineers in a lab doing log analysis

The Qualcomm Wireless Academy (QWA) offers a wide range of log analysis courses for engineers working directly with wireless technology. Below we discuss how the courses work and how you can sign up for this training.

Log Analysis Courses Offered through QWA

We offer the following log analysis training courses for engineers looking to enhance their log analysis skills and better understand the technology:

Each course above is taught by an experienced Qualcomm Technologies engineer who goes through real log files to teach engineers log analysis best-practices. Each course is also taught through our flexible eLearning format, so you and your team may learn online and at your own pace. We can also organize live virtual or in-person courses for groups of at least 15 people.

How to Register for Log Analysis Training Courses

If you are interested in this training for yourself or your team, please either visit a course link in the section above or fill out our Request Training form. Once you fill out the form, a member of our team will be in touch.

Please note that each course above requires a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) at the company level to access, so we are only able to offer these trainings to individuals through their companies. Obtaining an NDA is a quick and simple process.

About the Qualcomm Wireless Academy

The Qualcomm Wireless Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a world leader in 5G technology and wireless innovation. We provide premium training within several areas of the wireless engineering field, including 5G, LTE Advanced, C-V2X, WiFi, and more. We have courses for business professionals, engineers new to the field, and experienced wireless engineers. We also offer a corporate training program for companies looking to optimize their 5G capabilities.

Students and trainees can take many of our courses online through our eLearning program, which offers dozens of online courses for those who prefer a more flexible learning style. For more information or to sign up for a course either as an individual or a company, please reach out to us at